Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Welcome to the website of Dr. Andrew Sommers, a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
This website was launched in December 2007 and is a true work in progress so please contact me if you have trouble viewing the site. Its primary purpose is to introduce my areas of research interest, examine the relevance of thermal sciences to everyday life, and hopefully attract some students! If you are interested in joining my research group as an undergraduate (or graduate) research assistant, please feel free to contact me by email. When you do, please attach a copy of your resume. |
My main research interests include energy systems, surface wettability, and enhanced air-side heat transfer in air-conditioning and refrigeration applications. Currently, I am studying the single-phase, convective heat transfer behavior of nanofluids as well as investigating functionalized surfaces for improved condensate management on aluminum fin stock.
Researchers in my group work at the interface
of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and surface chemistry. In doing so, they gain valuable skills in
each of these areas as well as a better understanding of data acquisition (DAQ), experimental uncertainty, and thermometry. Although prior experience is helpful, it is not necessary- only a willingness to learn and to work. Depending on the project, you may also be asked to perform basic wet chemistry and surface characterization tests to varying
degrees. There are presently opportunities for one undergraduate student and one graduate student in my lab. Please check out the research page for more
Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference (TFESC) in New York, NY (08/12/15) |
News and Other "Recent" Events:
- (2018-07-11) Nick Schmiesing receives 3rd Place in the Student Paper Competition at the 16th Int'l Refrig. & Air Conditioning Conf. at Purdue.
- (2017-04-04) Our paper received the 2017 ASTFE Best Research Paper Award at the 2nd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC) held in Las Vegas, NV from April 2-5, 2017.
- (2015-06-26) Nick Truster receives a 2015 DAGSI grant and begins his M.S. thesis research.
- (2014-10-15) Submitted the final report for our most recent EISG grant. The report was 75 pages in length!
- (2013-12-05) Muidh successfully defends his M.S. thesis on surface tension gradients and directional wetting. Congratulations!
- (2012-05-05) Received the SEAS Arthur Olson Generational Teaching Excellence Award and was later recognized by Ohio Magazine as a 2012 Excellence in Education Honoree
- (2011-11-28) Justin defends his M.S. thesis after presenting his research at the ASME IMECE2011 conference in Denver, CO
- (2011-07-01) Attended the ICACR2011 conference in Pyungchang-Gun, Korea and then spent one week at Zhejiang Univ. in Hangzhou, China at the Institute of Refrigeration & Cryogenics
- (2011-06-28) Rong passes her M.S. thesis defense and prepares to depart for the University of Illinois to pursue her Ph.D.
- (2010-08-10) Served as session chair and presented a paper at the International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-14) in Washington, D.C.
- (2010-07-21) Jia successfully defends her M.S. thesis and is bound for Columbia University.
- (2009-08-24) Started a project with WPAFB involving the computational modeling of a thermal management system (Funding: DOD/UES).
- (2009-03-27) Awarded funding from the California Energy Commission through their Energy Innovations Small Grant (EISG) program.
- (2009-02-25) Selected for the 2009 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP) at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at WPAFB
- (2008-08-01) Served as a 2008 Undergraduate Summer Scholars (USS) Program mentor for a student doing research on single-phase nanofluids.
- (2008-07-14) Presented my research at the 12th Int'l Refrig. & Air Conditioning Conf. at Purdue. Please see
Publications section for a complete list of published papers.
- (2008-02-06) Recipient of the 2008-2009 ASHRAE New Investigator Award.
- (2007-11-30) The Rame/-Hart contact angle goniometer and other miscellaneous lab equipment arrived.
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